Lee Brice’s Daughter Turns 6 Years Old [Pictures]

Lee Brice’s Daughter Turns 6 Years Old [Pictures]

photo: Artist Social Media

Country music artist Lee Brice is the father of three children and is totally wrapped around his latest daughter's little finger! Meet Trulee...

Lee Brice’s Daughter is growing up fast.  A daughter holds a special place in a father’s heart— especially when she’s the youngest and only little girl! Lee Brice and wife Sara Reeveley Brice welcomed their sweet daughter, Trulee Nanette, into the world on June 2, 2016.

Magical night out with my girl last night… #CMAawards

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Trulee has two older brothers, fourteen-year-old Takoda (born August 25, 2008) and nine-year-old Ryker Mobley (born December 4, 2013). At this point, Lee can handle all things ‘boy’— from non-stop wrestling to toy trucks, he has it down! That is why he was nervous about welcoming a little girl to the family!

Lee’s Family 2023

Lee Brice's Family
photo: Artist Social Media
 Lee Brice’s Family 2022

Lee Brice's Family
photo: Artist Social Media
“I had two boys, and I thought, ‘I’ve got this down,’ and we found out we were having a girl and it just scared me to death,” Lee told People. “I don’t know nothing about girls. I think God was like, ‘Lee, you’re really, really busy right now, so I am going to give you an angel baby.’ ”

Trulee has made the transition for Lee as easy as one, two, three!

“I mean, this baby smiles. She sleeps and she wakes up. She poops. And if she whines at all, it’s because you missed a feeding time, and that is it,” Lee began. “As soon as you stick a bottle in her mouth, she’s back to smiling again. So we are really blessed.”

The country star is totally smitten with his little girl! “These arms have never held anything more precious. God is so good,” Lee shared in a heartfelt Instagram post starring his newborn daughter.

These arms have never held anything more precious. God is so good.

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Mom, Sara, could not be more excited to have a little girl in the family and has features Trulee in her social media posts quite frequently. From having Trulee by her side as she’s working out to pictures of the three Brice kids to just little baby smiles, Sara shares all the cuteness!

Good morning all! ☀️ Woke up this morning to condensation on the windows… silly as that sounds, this makes me So Happy☺️ Little signs that fall is coming🍁🍂🍁 On another note. I've been slowly trying to get back into a healthy routine. Little work outs here and there where ever I can squeeze them in and more healthy food choices, around some very controllable binge cravings that I simply don't have the energy to control🙊🙈 baby steps. Our little butterball usually sleeps, but every once in a while she gets so excited to jump in on, what is already a half effort work out between switching laundry and keeping up with life and my mommy brain simply being on about a hundred other things😏 I appreciate this moment captured of us struggleing thought sit ups together with her precious little self on my tummy. Mat rolling. She had just pooped…. 😂 Oh the joys of relaxing time to ourselves👌🏼 But I Just want to post this as a little reminder to all mom's out there that it's Not always easy and none of us are doing it "all" flawlessly;) were all doing an incredible job. This is real life. It's what we can do when we can do it in a moms world. We entirely come last and that's ok with us because it's the beauty of this incredible job that God has built us to do✨ One day when they are all grown and we have plenty of time to solely focus on our abs, we're going to miss these crazy moments and wish we had them back😅✨

A post shared by Sara Brice (@sara_brice) on

Brice’s emotional track “The Best Part of Me” was inspired by his love for his little girl. Enjoy the official music video below.

Lee Brice The Best Part of Me Music Video

“The Best Part of Me” Lyrics

There’s plenty ’bout me that I don’t like
Most mistakes I’ve made, I made them twice
Sometimes I don’t live out the words I say
And I just can’t stay out my own way
But my good intentions overflow
Way down deep inside my bones
Though my head’s been known to give me hell
This heart of mine is just something else, yeah

But the best part of me, part of me is you
Is you, is you
Yeah, the best part of me, part of me is you
Is you

I got my old man’s baby blues
And his daddy’s taste for whiskey too
My brother’s love for rock ‘n’ roll
And my momma’s southern gospel soul

But the best part of me, part of me
Is you, is you
Yeah, the best part of me, part of me
Is you

Something takes over me
Every moment you hold my hand
Hearts beating time
As the starts all align and I understand

That the best part of me, the best part of me, oh
Yeah the best part of me, part of me
Is you, oh
The best part of me, part of me
Is you
Oh, is you, ooh

We are so happy for the Brice family! Share this update with other fans of the star!

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