Garth Brooks Trump Card is to Stay Non-Political

Garth Brooks

photo: Garth Brooks Facebook

Garth Brooks Trump situation sparked some controversy when Garth did not play at the Trump inauguration and Garth remains wise to keep out of politics of the day....

Country Music star Garth Brooks Trump card has been to remain non-political and to stay out of daily politics for the most part.  While Garth Brooks is a republican, he clearly does not take party lines all that serious.  Garth tends to focus on service to the Country and not make decisions based on party lines.  For some controversy history, Garth Brooks turned down the opportunity to play at Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration and focused instead on playing extra tour dates for his fans.  Garth was asked to play at the Jan. 20 Trump inauguration ceremony by his casino mogul friend Steve Wynn (who was on the committee organizing the event).  Garth has known Steve Wynn for years given his prior residency and shows in Las Vegas.

Several stars openly rejected playing at the Trump inauguration do to their political opposition to Trump, Brooks stated during a Facebook Live chat that he had initially considered playing the event until the inauguration dates conflicted with the extension of his sold out shows for fans in Cincinnati, Ohio.  “We left it up to karma. If Cincinnati goes two weekends instead of one, then of course we are out,” Brooks shared.

The fact that Garth played at Obama’s inauguration and skipped Trump’s inauguration continues to generate some political controversy for Garth.

Garth Brooks Trump Comments

“I’ll tell you with this whole presidential thing: We got one going out. Pray for him and his family. And for the president going in, pray for him and his family to guide this nation. Let’s stay together,” Brooks says. “Love, unity — that’s what it’s all about.”  “We can’t thank the Obamas enough for serving this country,” he adds. “And may God hold Trump’s hand in the decisions that he makes in this country’s name as well.”

Garth Brooks Trump agenda appears to be to avoid politics and focus on fans first.

Garth Brooks Politics

Garth put his fans first over politics in skipping the Trump inauguration.  Rumors and speculation about his politics will likely continue.  While Garth is officially a Republican he behaves more like an Independent and does not really get political along party lines.   You will likely always see Garth put fans first over politics and that appears a wise move for a highly successful country music entertainer.

Once a president wins, Garth is all about supporting the current President.  After the Obama election, Garth stated, “one of the things that’s killing us right now in our country is if you didn’t vote for him, then knock him for four years, well, he can’t do any good so you can say, ‘see, I was right.’ Screw that“.

Garth Brooks We Shall Be Free Song

Garth is not afraid to express opinions on political topics and subjects.  “We Shall Be Free” is a song co-written and recorded by Garth Brooks and was released in 1992.  This song hits several political topics.  Garth stated about the song, “”‘We Shall Be Free’ is definitely and easily the most controversial song I have ever done. A song of love, a song of tolerance from someone who claims not to be a prophet but just an ordinary man. I never thought there would be any problems with this song. Sometimes the roads we take do not turn out to be the roads we envisioned them to be. All I can say about ‘We Shall Be Free” is that I will stand by every line of this song as long as I live. I am very proud of it. And I am very proud of Stephanie Davis, the writer. I hope you enjoy it and see it for what it was meant to be.”

Garth Brooks We Shall Be Free Video

We Shall Be Free

Here is the full video #WeShallBeFree love, g

Posted by Garth Brooks on Monday, March 6, 2017

Garth We Shall Be Free Discussion on Facebook Live

#WeShallBeFree on #StudioG

Tonight's #StudioG… all about #WeShallBeFree love, g (Reposting due to technical difficulty)

Posted by Garth Brooks on Monday, March 6, 2017


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