Besides disclosing a super secret plan to surprise daughter Indy, Rory Feek also shared some great wisdom in his most recent This Life I Live blog post.
“I didn’t stay up late last night and watch the election or keep checking the computer for the results. Instead I went to bed early. Not because I didn’t care, but because I did care. I have a very strong feeling about where we are today. It’s the same feeling I had last night and all the nights before that.
Everything’s going to be okay, even if it’s not okay.
I believe that. I have to. I’ve learned to. Sometimes things happen in life that don’t seem to make sense, and they’re scary, because you don’t know what the future holds. But God has a plan bigger than the one I can see and I have to trust Him.
It might get worse before it gets better though. My family can attest to that. But in the end, we are where we are for a reason, and someday – maybe not in this lifetime, or even this side of heaven – we’ll see things in a different light. I believe that too.
And in the meantime, though the world seems dark and scary… there are rays of hope that bring a smile back to our faces and renew our faith in mankind.”
Well said, Rory.

“Like writing this blog, something told me that I needed to capture that time of our lives on film. To have it forever. To be able to remember it and share it with others. I had no idea how important it would be. Especially to me,” the grieving widower expressed in a recent blog entry.
Rory also wrote a book about his life’s journey with Joey.
Be sure to share his moving words with other Joey + Rory fans!