Country singer Kelleigh Bannen Smoke When I Drink song is a fun loving country tune that she discovered working with another talented country song writer. Kelleigh was raised in Nashville, Tennessee and grew up to be both a songwriter and talented country music singer. Bannen writes her own blog (This Nashville Life) that chronicles her journey as a female Country singer. “It’s not just about music,” she says of This Nashville Life. “It’s about what you do with a passion. It’s about what you do with perseverance. I’m not just looking inside the music biz. I’m looking inside any kind of creative struggle.”
Watch the music video, behind the scenes footage and check out the lyrics to this popular country music tune.
Smoke When I Drink Music Video
In the behind the scenes footage, Bannen reveals, “The track is really edgy and fun, and the imagery of that metaphor, like, ‘Baby you’re a cigarette straight to my head,’ or ‘Alcohol and nicotine, that’s you and me’ — I really loved the writing on it”…You know, a lot of habits are bad for us, and we say yes to them when we should say no. But we do them anyway!”.
Behind the Scenes of “Smoke When I Drink”
The song was written by Laura Veltz.
Smoke When I Drink Lyrics
Haven’t had so much as a jonesing for ya
Bout back to where I was before ya
Started killing me one drag at a time
Took a shot comin here thought I might see ya
Figured I could live without that need ya feeling you got creepin up my spine
Alcohol and nicotine that’s you and me
I turn on a dime then I’m saying I,
Only smoke when I drink,
Only smoke when I drink,
Straight bumming keep it coming
Baby what do you think?
Feels good
Right now
And I’m too lit up to try and turn you down
All that holdback gone in a blink,
Keep telling myself I only smoke when I drink
You know me boy I’d be lying
To say that I don’t need a desert island quarantine to wean me off of you
Only thing that works is staying sober
And that ships sailed a couple times over
Now you’re walking over right on cue
Baby you’re a cigarette straight to my head, I’m high as a kite while I’m saying I,
Only smoke when I drink
Only smoke when I drink
Straight bumming keep it coming
Baby what do you think
Feels good
Right now
And I’m too lit up to try and turn you down
All that holdback gone in a blink,
Keep telling myself I only smoke when I drink
Tomorrow I’ll be waking up wondering what I was thinking last night but tonight I’m saying I,
Only smoke when I drink
Only smoke when I drink
Straight bumming keep it coming
Baby what do you think?
Feels good
Right now
And I’m too lit up to try and turn you down
All that holdback gone in a blink
Keep telling myself I only smoke when I drink