Justin Moore’s Kids of 3 girls and 1 boy are all growing up so fast! Country music artist Justin Moore and his wife, Kate, have four children including:
Ella Kole Moore
Kennedy Faye Moore
Rebecca Klein Moore
Thomas South Moore
Watch their amazing growth via the photos below.
2024 Eldest Two Daughters
photo: Artist Social Media
Justin Moore’s Kids 2022 Christmas Picture
photo: Artist Social Media
Justin Moore’s Kids 2022 Off to School Picture
photo: Artist Social Media
The couple welcomed their first son, Thomas South, who was born June 11, 2017 and is already 7 years old. South is the youngest and newest addition to the family.
photo: Artist Social Media
Thomas South joined three adorable older sisters! Justin Moore’s daughters are growing up fast: Ella (14), Kennedy (13), and Rebecca (10). Ella was born February 15, 2010 and is now fourteen years old.
Justin’s eldest daughter Ella
photo: Artist Social Media
Rebecca Klein is now 10 years old (born July 14, 2014) and Kennedy is now 13 years old (born November 21, 2011). Both Rebecca and Klein lost teeth in 2021 as shown in the photo below.
Rebecca Klein and Kennedy
photo: Artist Social Media
Enjoy the photos below when the kids were younger.
Here is South as a Baby and at 3 years old.
photo: Artist Social Media
Here are the back to school photos from 2019 and 2020.
Justin Moore Kids: Back to School
photo: Artist Social Media
In the photo below, Rebecca was three-years-old and was ready to take on Pre-K. How precious!
photo: Justin Moore Instagram
Apparently Justin Moore is more accepting this year about how fast his daughters are growing up. Before Ella’s first day of Kindergarten, the country singer had a small breakdown. “We flew back from a show…on a Sunday evening, and she was starting on Monday, and I boo-hooed all the way home on the plane, and then I got home and my wife was asleep,” Moore told Taste of Country. “We got home at like midnight and I said, ‘How could you sleep at a time like this?! What is wrong with you?!'” After Kate explained that Ella was going to be just fine, Justin Moore replied, “I’m not gonna be fine!”
photo: Justin Moore Instagram
A couple years after her father’s emotional breakdown, Ella is set to take on 2nd grade. She looks excited!
photo: Justin Moore Instagram
Luckily for Justin and Kate Moore, they will still have many more first day of school pictures to take.
Be sure to share this Justin and Kate Moore update with other fans of the attractive pair!