Joey + Rory Headache Music Video

Joey and Rory Headache

photo: YouTube

Watch Joey + Rory's Headache music video and understand why guys should finish their honey to do list.

Joey + Rory Headache was released in 2011 and shows the fun chemistry between Joey and Rory.  The man gets in the doghouse by doing his guy things and his wife threatens to have a headache and keeps her man from getting lucky.  The couple filmed this music video on their farm and this song was the title track for the album.

Though we lost Joey Feek to cancer in March of 2016, she’s left a lasting impression and legacy behind via her music and her family.  Enjoy the official music video for “Headache” and check out the lyrics below.

Headache Music Video

The lyrics for “Headache” were written by Joey Feek, Rory Feek and Wynn Varble.

Headache Lyrics

All week long now you’ve been promising you’d spend today at home
And I’ve got your honey do list all made up ready to go
Now you’re loading up your fishing gear say your buddy’s on his way
Before you pull out the drive, honey all I’m gonna say

Is I feel a headache coming on
And I think this one’s a doozy
It might last all week long
So go on, that’s fine, have a good time
But remember while you’re gone
I feel a headache coming on

Don’t forget you got a birthday coming up real soon
And I bought something special, I was gonna wear for you
I had a big night all planed out just you and me alone
Hope you have more luck fishing than you will when you get home

Cause I feel a headache coming on
And I think this one’s a doozy
It might last all month long
So go on, that’s fine, have a good time
But remember while you’re gone
I feel a headache coming on

Now if you’re dead set on going
I don’t wanna change your plans
But you know I can hold out a lot longer than you can

And I feel a headache coming on
And I think this one’s a migraine
It might last all year long
So go on, that’s fine, have a good time
But remember while you’re gone
I feel a headache
I’m warning you for your sake
I feel a headache coming on

Haha honey
I thought you’d see it my way

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