Country music entertainer Jason Aldean‘s 15-year-old daughter Keeley has taken an interest in music and wants to learn how to play the guitar. As can be expected, Jason is thrilled even though the music she’s interested in pursuing is far from country.

Not quite, Keeley had a little something else in mind regarding her musical leanings: “She was like ‘No. I want to play like Slash, from Guns N’ Roses.’”
While that isn’t exactly Jason’s preferred style, he told his daughter, “I like where your head’s at” and then recruited help from an unlikely source— YouTube.
“I learned to play by ear, so I technically can’t sit there and go ‘it’s this,’ or ‘it’s that,’” Jason admitted. “I’m a rhythm player — I can’t sit there and rip off a solo for you. I learned by listening to records and figuring it out. I play chords all the time that I don’t even know what the name of the chord is!”
While Jason is giving her pointers and helping navigate YouTube tutorial videos, he also wants to recruit someone else to make sure Keeley is really learning from the best! You might have guessed it— Jason’s going to have his lead guitarist help out as well!
“It’s pretty cool that she’s just showing interest in it,” Jason concluded. “I think any time that you can learn to play an instrument, no matter what it is, that’s only going to be a great thing.”
We look forward to hearing Keeley absolutely shred it! Maybe Jason and 10-year-old Kendyl can team up and learn some new rock n’ roll dance moves…
For more on the Aldean Family, keep up with Country Fancast and be sure to share this update with other fans of this star!