Garth Brooks Beard is Stayin’ Put For One Good Reason

garth brooks beard

photo: Garth Brooks Facebook

Country music icon Garth Brooks' beard is here to stay. Well, as long as it still has approval from one very important person in Garth's life.

Garth Brooks beard or some level of facial hair is usually on display most of the year.  Country music superstar Garth Brooks’ beard won’t be disappearing until wife Trisha Yearwood gives the ‘okay.’

“My wife likes it, so it stays,” he shared with Taste of Country during SXSW 2017. “I can’t believe it — I was going to shave it off!”

Brooks started rocking salt and pepper facial hair after the pair played a special remembrance concert for Pearl Harbor’s 75th anniversary and spent extra time in Hawaii to celebrate their eleventh wedding anniversary back in December.

Garth Brooks Beard #1 Fan (Trisha Yearwood)

garth brooks beard
photo: Garth Brooks Facebook
Upon their return home to Nashville, the Oklahoman was about to ditch his vacation scruff but Trisha nixed that idea.

“I said, ‘Well, it’s time,’” Brooks recalled, “And she goes, ‘You know what? Don’t shave that thing. Let’s see what happens.’”

“She used the ‘S’ word,” added Brooks, while coyly avoiding saying the word ‘sexy.’ “And I go, ‘Oh my gosh.’ My wife just melts me — she just has that power. She always has. So, she likes it. As long as she likes it, it stays. The second she goes, ‘It’s gone,’ it’s gone.”

Though fans are used to the star being mostly clean shaven, the new look is growing on us. Check out the beard in action below!

Garth truly knows the importance of— Happy Wife. Happy Life. We can’t help but love the fact that Trisha calls the shots.

Garth is usually sporting some level of facial hair given Trisha’s preferences.  Below you can compare his beard look versus clean shaven.

Garth Brooks Beard
photo: Artist Social Media

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