Eric Church’s New Furniture Line Is Available NOW!

Eric Church’s New Furniture Line Is Available NOW!

photo: Reuters

In his new line, Eric Church takes inspiration from his hometown roots and his life on the road to create this stunning collection.

Eric Church has designed a new furniture line, called the Highway to Home Collection, that is inspired by combining traditional family elements with his love of the road and exploration. The line is now available at RoomsToGo and other select retail outlets.

Since Church’s debut album Sinners Like Me was released in 2006, the singer-songwriter has clearly remained grounded to his at-home roots. This is often prevalent in the lyricism of his songs, such as in “What I Almost Was,” where Church reflects on what his life could have been if he hadn’t pursued music. Church croons, “Could’ve been a corner office, country club, suit and tie man / Answerin’ to no one but her and him.”

Church turned down working for his family’s successful furniture business in his hometown on Granite Falls, North Carolina to follow his passion for music, but hasn’t lost that respect or inspiration for the sanctity of the home.

Combining his family’s business with his life as a touring musician is what gave birth to the idea of starting his own furniture line.

Silverton Sound, Arrow Ridge and Hickory Canyon, and Heartland Falls are the names of the four collections in Church’s line. The names are fictitious places with a small-town feeling that represent stops on Church’s journey.

Ranging from nostalgic to urban-industrial, Highway to Home’s collections can’t be categorized into one specific style, but rather represent the feeling of one’s journey home.

JDRF, the leading global organization focused on type 1 diabetes research, will receive a portion of the proceeds from Highway to Home through is through his Chief Cares foundation. Church has personal experience with type 1 diabetes though family members, and has a drive to combat the disease.

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