Dollywood Set To Host Lyrics & Lore (January 17 – 19, 2019)

Lyrics & Lore

photo: Instagram/Dollywood

Lyrics & Lore is Dolly Parton’s way of supporting songwriting and storytelling and offer opportunities to aspiring artists.

Dolly Parton is known for her love of songwriting and storytelling and the 3-day event at her acclaimed Dollywood resort dubbed Lyrics & Lore is a celebration of that literary love.

While the event is open to the general public, it’s really for aspiring songwriters and storytellers who want to sit at the feet of those that have made themselves professionals in that field.

“For the last two years, Lyrics & Lore has brought together spectacular storytellers and songwriters and we are thrilled to bring this event back again this year. Lyrics & Lore really showcases the talent we have here in the Appalachian region while also sharing the rich traditions of songwriting and storytelling. This year we’ve been able to include Tim Nichols, one of the songwriters behind Tim McGraw’s hit ‘Live Like You Were Dying” said Kevin Osborn, General Manager of Dollywood’s DreamMore Resort and Spa.

Lyrics & Lore
photo: Lyrics & Lore

Other songwriting professionals taking part in the 2019 event are Thom Shepherd & Coley McCabe (Thom is the writer of five #1 singles for other artists – “Redneck Yacht Club” (Craig Morgan), “Riding with Private Malone” (David Ball)), Cole Taylor (#1 hits for Florida Georgia Line “Sippin’ On Fire” and Luke Bryan “Home Alone Tonight”).

Songwriting is only half of the equation at the event, Dolly’s love for story telling will also bring in acclaimed authors for the audience.

“Dolly has been telling stories since she was a little girl in the Smoky Mountains and those stories have helped her become the successful songwriter she is. Because of this, storytelling is woven deep into our fabric here at Dollywood’s DreamMore Resort and Spa, something we were graciously recognized for during our 2017 event with the International Storytelling Center’s ‘Inaugural Seal of Excellence’” continued Osborn.

Lyrics & Lore
photo: Lyrics & Lore

The vent has been a very low-key one in the past, however this year promises more energy as a new partnership promises to take things up a notch.

“This year we also have a great new partnership with Bandtwango that is bringing new talent and energy to the event. Bandtwango should really help us take the event to new heights as we move forward” said Osborn.

You can learn more about attending the event by visiting their website HERE.

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