Dolly Parton Reveals Why She Never Had Children [Video]

Country music star Dolly Parton and longtime husband Carl Dean never added children to their lives--- Dolly explains why in a recent interview. Watch here!

With a love for children and a philanthropic drive to give back to them, many fans have wondered why country music legend Dolly Parton and her husband, Carl Dean, never had children of their own.

“Well God has a plan for everything,” Dolly explained during an interview with NBC’s Today Show. “But I said that I think probably it was his plan for me not to have kids so everybody’s kids could be mine, and now they are!”

Having that special connection with children is not something everybody has bragging rights to— Dolly is just a natural! On October 13th, she released a new children’s album titled, I Believe In You. After fifty years of making music, this was her first children’s album!

Dolly credits her upbringing and looks for her natural ability with children.

“Well I grew up in a whole big bunch of kids, eight kids younger than me and I just love kids,” Parton shared. “I have that high-pitched voice I’m over-exaggerated, I look like Mother Goose or you know one of those over-exaggerated cartoon characters and kids just kinda relate to that.”

When asked about her youthful approach to life, Parton had a witty response. “I do think I’m child-like but that’s different than childish! In fact somebody said, ‘Why’d you wait so long to put this album out?’ and I said, ‘I want to wait until I was in my second childhood so I’m pretty much there now!’”

Enjoy Dolly’s full interview below!

All of the proceeds made from this album will go to directly help Dolly’s Imagination Library. The Imagination Library is a non-profit organization created by Dolly herself that encourages reading and childhood literacy for children by providing them with a free, age-appropriate book each month! Dolly was inspired to start this non-profit because of her father who never had the chance to learn how to read. Snag your copy here!

The cover of Dolly’s new album really captures her lighthearted nature— it’s animated, fun, and charismatic— qualities that children are drawn to immediately!

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