Blake Shelton Snags ‘Angry Birds’ Movie Role

The internet sensation Grumpy Cat interviews Blake Shelton.

photo: Blake Shelton Website

Blake Shelton isn't afraid to get animated!

Country music entertainer Blake Shelton was not only saddled with creating an original tune for The Angry Birds Movie, he’s also voicing one of the main characters.

“I can write things about myself and my life,” Shelton explained to Entertainment Weekly. “But I don’t have a whole lot of experience being shot out of a slingshot at pigs.”

We have complete faith that The Voice coach will come up with a delightful new song. Shelton is lending his famous voice to a very round and extremely green pig named Earl. Yes, his cartoon counterpart also rocks some familiar ink. Get a peek at Earl below.

“They kept saying, ‘More country!’” Shelton joked about his recording sessions. “I felt like I was doing a voice-over for Dukes of Hazzard.”

blake shelton and earl the pig from 'The Angry Birds Movie'

photo: c/o Rovio Animation

The family-friendly movie is based on the addicting game of the same name— we all know it. Even Shelton admits to playing the popular phenomenon too much before getting involved with the film project, “I wish I had a dollar for every minute I lost playing that freaking game, you know? Well, I guess I do now.”

The Angry Birds Movie impacts theaters nationwide on May 20th.

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