Rory Feek Makes Emotional Return to Joey’s Home State

rory feek with indiana feek

photo: Facebook

Rory Feek and daughter Indiana return to a place with so many memories.

Over the weekend, Rory Feek returned to his late wife’s home state of the first time since her death. As expected, the journey was filled with a range of raw emotions.

“This past weekend, Indy and I went home to Indiana…without Joey. It was the first time that we’d been back there, since my wife’s passing in early March. I was excited and nervous about the trip at the same time. Part of me wasn’t ready to go back. Not yet. But another part of me knew it was the right thing, and believed that it would be healing for us. And it was,” Rory conveyed in his most recent This Life I Live blog entry.

Rory and Indy made the trip to celebrate a close family member’s high school graduation. While visiting Joey’s hometown, Rory also spent time with close friend and mentor Bill Gaither. During the visit, the pair were able to talk about Joey’s legacy and reflected on how her loss has impacted them all.

Like Joey’s father, Rory spent time at the house where he spent his last moments with his dear wife to find some comfort. While the memories flooded back for the singer-songwriter, Bill took to the home’s piano and played music with special meaning to the couple and their family. Later, Rory had dinner with Joey’s family at her childhood home.

“It had been strange to be there again. In Indiana. With Indiana. Without Joey. To sleep upstairs in the bedroom that my wife had spent her childhood sleeping in and know that she’ll never lay beside me there again and tell me stories of her childhood. To be in her home, with her family, without her. It was hard. And good. And wrong. And also right. So, so right,” Rory reflects.

We’re thrilled that Rory found some peace upon his return to Indiana and we’re happy that Indy got to enjoy time with her mother’s family. Bless them all.

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