Luke Bryan Dishes Out Some Sage Parenting Advice

luke bryan parenting

photo: Facebook/ Caroline Bryan Instagram

Country music standout Luke Bryan, 41, knows a thing or two about raising a happy family with his wife Caroline. Check out some of his advice here!

Country music entertainer Luke Bryan‘s upcoming album is expected to drop between late November and late December this year. The highly-anticipated project features a track called “Pick It Up,” that touches upon the Georgia native’s strong bond with his two sons, 9-year-old Bo and 7-year-old Tate.

“When you start having a family and boys, they certainly influence who you are as a person and as an artist,” Bryan shared during a recent interview with Taste of Country Nights. “I’ve got a song on there that talks about my relationship with my boys, giving them some life lessons and stuff. It’s a feel-good song.”

The hit-maker also has some good advice for parents of young children, “Just enjoy every moment,” he expressed. “It certainly does fly, and as a dad, your role is to kinda be there and not make your wife even more mad at you. But when they start becoming three and four, that’s when it’s like … for the dad, he can hop in the car with you and y’all go knock around. It goes from good to stratosphere good. It did for me. The early years are tough, because they’re so bonded to their mother.”

The album’s first single, “Light It Up,” officially debuted on August 23rd. Fans can see Luke performing the single in concert during his Huntin’, Fishin’ And Lovin’ Every Day Tour through October and on his ninth annual Farm Tour scheduled to run September 28th to October 7th.

Bayer Presents Luke Bryan Farm Tour 2017 Schedule
Week One

September 28 Lincoln, NE Benes Farm
September 29 Baldwin City, KS Don-Ale Farms
September 30 Boone, IA Ziel Farm

Week Two

October 5 Fort Wayne, IN Spangler Farms West
October 6 Edinburg, IL Ayers Family Farm
October 7 Centralia, MO Stowers Farm

Here’s a little look at Luke and his beautiful family below!

Bo and Boss.

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Tate's first peanut pickin.

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Flint river day @linabryan3

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Me and the crew!!

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In addition to Bo and Tate, Luke and his wife Caroline are also raising their teenage nephew, Tilden, after Bryan’s older sister Kelly passed away in 2007, followed by her husband Ben Lee Cheshire in 2014. The teen’s older sisters, Kris and Jordan, are also frequent visitors to the Bryan home.

Love you boogers to the moon and back. So much

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