Cam Burning House (Music Video and Meaning Behind the Lyrics)


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Rising country songstress Cam delivered a great Burning House music video and provided the intense story behind her breakout hit song.

The Cam Burning House house song was released in 2015 as a track on her “Untamed” album.  The song went to Country radio on June 16, 2015.   “Burning House” peaked at number 2 on both the Billboard Country Airplay and Hot Country Songs charts respectively.  CAM was born as Camaron Marvel Ochs on November 19, 1984 and became a successful American country music singer and songwriter.  This song helped to grow recognition of Cam’s country music career.

The song also crossed over and charted on the Hot 100 Pop Music chart, peaking at number 29.  Watch the music video for “Burning House” and see the “Behind the Scenes” footage and story behind the song below.

Cam Burning House Music Video

Cam takes us behind the scenes of her moving “Burning House” music video. Yes, the young talent actually braved real flames, a singed dress, and an exploding cocktail during the video shoot. Since premiering in October, Cam’s striking music video for “Burning House” has already scored over 17 million views. ACM and CMA Award winner, Trey Fanjoy, directed the stunning visual project.

CAM Burning House (Behind the Scenes)

With its haunting lyrics, it’s no wonder this tune has struck a chord with country listeners. Cam was inspired to start penning the song by a dream she had involving a former love interest. Producers Tyler Johnson and Jeff Bhasker stepped in to help the singer-songwriter capture the essence of her unconscious thoughts and create the finished tune. Despite all the talent involved, the astounding success of the track can be 100% attributed to the passion of country music fans.

The lyrics for “Burning House” were co-written by Cam along with Tyler Johnson and Jeff Bhasker.

CAM Burning House Lyrics

I had a dream about a burning house
You were stuck inside
I couldn’t get you out
I lay beside you and pulled you close
And the two of us went up in smoke

Love isn’t all that it seems
I did you wrong
I’ll stay here with you
Until this dream is gone

I’ve been sleepwalking
Been wondering all night
Trying to take what’s lost and broke
And make it right
I’ve been sleepwalking
Too close to the fire
But it’s the only place that I can hold you tight
In this burning house

I see you at a party and you look the same
I could take you back
But people don’t really change
Wish that we could go back in time
I’d be the one you thought you’d find

Love isn’t all that it seems
I did you wrong
I’ll stay here with you
Till this dream is gone

I’ve been sleepwalking
Been wondering all night
Trying to take what’s lost and broke
And make it right
I’ve been sleepwalking
Too close to the fire
But it’s the only place that I can hold you tight
In this burning house

Flames are getting bigger now
In this burning house
I can hold on to you somehow
In this burning house
Oh and I don’t wanna wake up
In this burning house

And I been sleepwalking
Been wandering all night
Trying to take what’s lost and broke
And make it right
I’ve been sleep walking
Too close to the fire
But it’s the only place that I can hold you tight
In this burning house

“It got played on the radio by Bobby Bones, and Cam played it, and it went up into the Top 20 in all genres [online], and Top 5 in country, without us promoting it at all,” Tyler Johnson shared during an interview with Taste of Country. “It chose itself. Country music fans chose it. We didn’t do it. It was 100 percent a song that was chosen by the fans. And still to this day, it hasn’t dropped out of the Top 30 of all genres on iTunes, and for some reason so many people just keep buying that song. People just seem to really love it.”

This tune has certainly rocketed Cam to the top!


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