The Shania Twain fashion journey spanned many years as she had a late start on caring about style and beauty...she started her fashion sense late in life
The Shania Twain fashion journey spanned many years as she had a late start on caring about style and beauty. When you look at Shania Twain the last thing you think is the word “plain”, however the “We Got Something They Don’t” singer says that it wasn’t until post-high school that she started to have any beauty skills.
The Canadian beauty recalls having dancers give her lessons on being able to sing in high-heels. Admittedly, Twain has come a very long way on the glam road and today loves to indulge her beauty desires.
“Since I was such a late bloomer, I think I liked the indulgence of getting dressed up. It was a new playground for me — picking the fabrics, colors, and images was a very creative process. It wasn’t just about what to wear to go out on a Friday night. It was about becoming an artist” said Twain.
Twain is currently getting ready for her 2018 comeback tour and yes, there will be some awesome on-stage outfits for audiences to marvel over.
“I’ve also got some new cat suits for hitting the stage! They’re so comfortable, like pajamas,” Twain says.
The tour will support her upcoming album titled Now and will mark her first album in 15 years.
“The journey has been lifelong. There were many layers that had built up to this bottle neck, and in reviewing my whole life, which I did through writing my autobiography, I was taken back to the very beginning. It made me realize, ‘Wow, my divorce is actually not the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.’
Now will be a collection of songs that are very personal to Twain and will tackle such issues of divorce and love.
“I’ve got happy moments, I’ve got sad moments,” Twain said. “And I wanted the diversity of emotions in there, so I had to basically pull out things that were leaning the balance any one direction too much.”
Twain now has fans of all ages buying tickets for her 2018 tour, excited to see one of the icons of country music, and she finds it fascinating that someone in their 20’s would even know who she is.
“Then I started meeting them, they’d tell me I was their first concert, their first record, and it dawned on me. Of course! So now I understand it, and it’s just so cool, it’s so much fun for me. A lot of artists don’t have that privilege, so I’m so excited that I get to talk to the people who can now speak for themselves. I missed a lot of that in the moment, and now I’m really in a different place” said Twain.
Now will be released later this month on September 29th.