Country star Sam Hunt is the eldest of three brothers. Needless to say, trouble found them pretty quickly. Watch this throwback video from Sam's childhood!
Like any set of siblings, the three Hunt brothers certainly had their share of “Don’t tell Mom” moments. Thanks to the power of Instagram, country entertainer Sam Hunt was able to share early footage of the trio in action with fans.
“When I was 10 or 11 I talked my youngest brother Van into riding one of the goats in the pasture near our house. My middle brother Ben was videoing. Thankfully Van’s never been a tattle tale,” Sam Hunt captioned the video clip below.
You can spy a young Sam Hunt in an oversized white t-shirt hovering around his younger brother and lifting him up after he fell off the goat and hit a wooden gate. Yes, Sam can be heard shouting “bull rider” in the background.
Poor Van, older brother Sam totally smacked the goat’s backside— which led to the ride’s unpleasant end. Despite all the stuff brothers do to each other while growing up, the Hunt brothers still share a strong bond years later.
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