Rory Feek Talks Recording ‘This Life I Live’ Audiobook [Listen]

Hear country music singer-songwriter Rory Feek read a portion of his upcoming 'This Life I Live' book, due out next month.

In his latest blog entry called “Storyteller,” Rory Feek revealed that he recently recorded the audiobook version of his upcoming This Life I Live book. Both versions will be available on February 14th, Valentine’s Day.

“Most of the time I’m told, publisher’s bring in professional talent to read an author’s book, but fortunately the folks at Harper Collins let me read mine. They not only let me tell our story, they let me actually tell our story,” Rory reflected. “It took four days to read it all. Four days of recording, from morning til night. To read it and get right. But it’s finished, and I am so thankful to not only be the author of the book, but also the one reading it.”

Hear Rory reading the first 20 minutes of his written work below.

“It’s strange to hear yourself reading. Especially to hear yourself reading your own story. But it’s also really special. I’m proud of it. Proud to get to tell this story. And if she were here, I know Joey would be too. Really proud,” Rory expressed.

this life i live book
photo: HarperCollins
We can’t wait to read— or listen to— the inspiring couple’s beautiful story as told by Rory. He has a knack for expressing himself and conveying some really powerful themes in such an approachable manner.

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