Songwriter Rory Feek touches upon what a very special friend recently did for his family via his latest update. More here!
Rory Feek and his lovely family are surrounded by some really extraordinary people. That’s one of the greatest blessing a person can have— a strong and compassionate support system to get you through the unpredictable roller coaster of life.
In his latest This Life I Live blog update, Rory shared what special surprise his friend and neighbor Jan Harris pulled off while she cared for little Indy and Rory was away on a trip.
“A few days after I got back, Indy and I were packing to make the drive home to Indiana for Easter and Jan showed up at the door with an envelope that had my name on it, along with the words ‘Happy Easter, Love Jan.’ She actually brought a almost a dozen of them. There were envelopes for Heidi and Hopie and my two sisters, and also one for each of Joey’s parents and her three sisters.”
Here’s a peek at some of the adorable contents of the envelopes…
Indy in full “Springtime Princess Mode.”
We think she enjoyed her fuzzy friends and glamourous photo shoot.Rory shared that Jan was inspired to start performing good deeds each day after traveling to Indiana in order to say goodbye to Joey Feek. She started her daily good deed mission last Easter with no plans of stopping.
“She said that sometimes she does something small for someone (or a few small things for a few people), and sometimes it’s something big. But by the end of each day, she makes sure that she has ‘given’ herself to someone else, with no expectation of ever being paid back,” Rory explained. “My favorite part of the story though is how much she said that it has changed her. She explained that even though she may be the one trying to bless others each day, the blessing has actually become all hers. Everything about her life has changed since last Easter, she said… there is a new joy and an excitement to her life that wasn’t there before. And you can see it when you’re around her.”
What a rewarding way to spend your time— we love the results and the inspiration behind it! Be sure to share this touching Feek family update with other Joey + Rory fans.