Sam Hunt is an exciting musical talent who deserves a lot more respect from country music are several good reasons to like Sam Hunt . . .
Football player-turned-country star Sam Hunt is best known for infusing R&B and pop elements into his original music. The 31-year-old artist has been honored with numerous awards, including one American Music Award, one Academy of Country Music Award, and one CMT Music Award, as well as nominations for Billboard Music Awards and Grammy Awards. Not too shabby for an industry newcomer who has faced a ton of criticism for not being “country enough” to be considered a true part of the genre.
No matter what critics say— Sam Hunt knows how to thrill crowds, explore his sound, and attract legions of fans. Enjoy Sam’s best qualities below!
Sam Hunt is an exciting musical talent who deserves a lot more respect from country music fans. We can’t wait to see where his career goes in the near future and after “Heartbeat,” we certainly hope for more Carrie Underwood collaborations.