Carrie Underwood's knee appears to generate all kinds of strange face images in photos...check out these pictures and see if you see faces....
Carrie Underwood’s knee appears to generate all kinds of strange face images. The internet first went crazy over this back in 2018 when fans saw images of babies in Carrie’s knee photos. We took a look at a variety of images and a variety of faces seem to manifest in Carrie Underwood’s knees. Take a look for yourself at images of Carrie Underwood‘s knees and see if you see faces.
Here is a blown up image of the cover photo and we see a face in the knee image pictured on the right.
Just for fun, we created a couple of comparison images of Carrie’s knee to other characters.Carrie’s Knee versus Gollum from Lord of the Rings
Carrie Underwood’s Knee versus E.T. from the movie
Here are some additional images of Carrie Underwood where faces seem to appear in one or both of her knees.
Carrie Underwood’s Knees while Singing
Carrie Underwood’s Knee on the left looks like a Cat
Carrie Underwood Knees while Hitting a High Note Carrie Underwood Knees from Swimsuit photo Back in 2018 Carrie’s knee first became an internet sensation. People started comparing images of her knee captured during her Sept. 24th Columbia, South Carolina tour stop to the United Kingdom’s Prince George and other notable figures. The shadows totally made Carrie’s knee look like a baby’s face. Of course the internet had a field day with this— comparing Carrie’s knee to Harry Potter’s Lord Voldemort, Kuato from ‘Total Recall’, etc. When you zoom in to create a close-up of the 2018 image, the knee does appear to have some baby face qualities. The knee situation gained national news attention back in 2018 and Carrie posted her own validation via the below Instagram post. Carrie heard all of the internet buzz and posted a selfie image to Instagram confirming that her knee can indeed resemble a baby face.Carrie Underwood Instagram Post of her Knee
So there you have it….viral internet buzz confirmed by a Carrie Underwood selfie photo. Do you see faces in Carrie’s knees or are fans on the internet just going crazy?
Remember to “share” Carrie Underwood’s knee images with friends and family and see if they see faces in the Country star’s knees.