John Prine as an Illinois native has an unusual tale of how he transformed his unusual circumstances into a career in Country music. Check out his story...
John Prine was born October 10, 1946, in Maywood, Illinois. Although Prine learned how to play the guitar as a young teenager, he could not begin his career immediately. First, he served overseas for the United States military. Then, John Prine became a mailman in Chicago. However, after years of playing open mic performances in local bars, Prine got his first real chance at music. Prine passed away on April 7, 2020, of complications caused by COVID-19 at the age of 73. On June 30, 2020, the state of Illinois designated the late John Prine as its honorary poet laureate. Discover more about his life and legacy below.
In 1971, Atlantic Records released John Prine’s self-titled album. Prine received incredible support and recognition. Even the legendary Bob Dylan promoted the album by performing alongside Prine at a New York City concert. Despite decades of success, John Prine has only toured with a full band once, in 1975. In the early 1980’s, Prine created his own label, Oh Boy Records. Throughout the years, he has released more than a dozen albums, including his 2016 record, For Better, Or Worse. In 2003, his songwriting career was recognized when he was inducted into the Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame. Unfortunately, John Prine has battled cancer twice. However, he won each time and continued to perform until he passed away in 2020. John Prine was happily married to his wife, Fiona and the couple lived together in Nashville, Tennessee.Summer’s end’s around the bend just flyin’
The swimmin’ suits are on the line just dryin’
I’ll meet you there for our conversation
I hope I didn’t ruin your whole vacation
Well you never know how far from home you’re feelin’
Until you’ve watched the shadows cross the ceilin’
Well I don’t know, but I can see it snowin’
In your car the windows are wide open
Just come on home
Come on home
No you don’t have to
Be alone
Just come on home
Valentines break hearts and minds at random
That ol’ Easter egg ain’t got a leg to stand on
Well I can see that you can’t win for tryin’
And New Year’s Eve is bound to leave you cryin’
Come on home
Come on home
No you don’t have to
Be alone
Just come on home
The moon and stars hang out in bars just talkin’
I still love that picture of us walkin’
Just like that ol’ house we thought was haunted
Summer’s end came faster than we wanted
Come on home
Come on home
No you don’t have to
Be alone
Come on home
Come on home
You don’t have to
Be alone
Just come on home
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