Check out Keith Urban’s Hall of Fame Exhibit! [VIDEO]

"Keith Urban So Far . . ." opened to the public on Friday (Nov. 20).

The world’s favorite Aussie and country music singer Keith Urban is being honored in Nashville at the Country Music Hall of Fame with an exhibit that traces his life from his roots in Australia

Keith Urban So Far . . ., opened to the public on Friday (Nov. 20) and will be available for viewing until May of next year.

Many of the items were shipped to the Hall of Fame from Australia, where Keith grew up and where his parents continue to reside. There is also a part of the exhibit that visitors will see scrapbooks that Keith kept as a child.

Much of the attraction focuses on Urban’s journey from his home-country of Australia to being one of America’s top country music performers.

“It’s really capturing a lot of the parts of my journey all the way up to coming to America and being here. I’ve now been here for 23 years in Nashville. But the exhibit’s gonna have things like a lot of the records I listened to growing up, Don Williams records, Dolly Parton records, Johnny Cash. You’ll see on the back of those records ‘Recorded in Nashville, Tennessee,’ so when I was a kid growing up in Australia, I thought that’s where you go to make records,” Urban jokes. “So I always wanted to live in Nashville.”

Now Urban does live in Nashville, he also keeps a house back home in the down-under, but he still remembers the items that meant the most to him along the way to where he is today.

“There’s a lot of other things in the exhibit too, of course — instruments I played for many, many, many years that have been all over records and tours and so forth, lots of items of clothing, a lot of which my dad made,” he says, breaking into a smile, “and just a huge amount of crazy things from my past that will show you a lot of the journey so far.” Urban explains.

“The story we’re really telling here is how this kid born halfway around the world was influenced by all the music he was hearing on the radio and became a huge country entertainer,” explains the Hall of Fame’s Curatorial Director Mick Buck.

“He had that drive and ambition from a very early age but was also blessed with musical talent. It’s such a fascinating story and very unique.”

Watch Keith Urban in the video below!

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