Carrie Underwood’s Workouts Include a Special Guest [Photos]

Country music singer-songwriter Carrie Underwood's workouts appear to be a family affair! Check out the cute photos here!

Country music superstar Carrie Underwood isn’t letting her recovery from a broken wrist and facial injury stop her from breaking a sweat in her home gym. As can be expected, Carrie’s workouts often include her number one fan— her nearly 3-year-old son Isaiah.

“My boys make work outs fun (and a bit less productive, but that’s ok)!” Underwood captioned the photo series below, which also includes a snapshot of husband Mike Fisher doing push-ups with their little man.

Though we haven’t seen Carrie’s entire face since her serious fall back in November, it is nice to see her get more comfortable with getting in front of the camera.

“I’ll spare you the gruesome details, but when I came out of surgery the night of my fall, the doctor told Mike that he had put between 40-50 stitches in,” she explained in a New Year’s message to fans.

The country songstress hasn’t expand upon the specifics of her facial changes, but she did add that she may look a bit different.

“When I am ready to get in front of a camera, I want you all to understand why I might look a bit different,” she added. “I’m hoping that, by then, the differences are minimal, but, again, I just don’t know how it’s all going to end up.”

In case you were looking at the photos above and wondering how the Oklahoma native achieves her perfectly toned arms, here’s how according to her personal trainer Erin Oprea!

“We’re all about to rock those tank tops and sundresses, so let’s get you to where you feel your absolute best,” Oprea shared with PEOPLE in a past interview.

1) Push-Up Holds

 Either staying up on your toes or dropping down on your knees, get ready in a push up position. “Go down low in a push-up and hold that position for three seconds,” Oprea explains. Then push back up and repeat 10-20 times.

2) Up-Down Planks

Starting up on your hands, get into a plank formation. Then, lower yourself onto your elbows, maintaining the straight plank position. “Walk yourself back up to hand plant and repeat this 15 times with each arm,” Oprea directs.

3) Chin Ups

Grab a pull-up bar with an underhand grip, roll your shoulders back, and pull your chest up to the bar. Don’t swing your legs! Slowly lower yourself back down. Many find this difficult to do on their own, so use the buddy system and have a friend help hoist you up: Cross your feet, bend your knees, and have your buddy place her hands under your ankles and provide assistance. You can also strap a band around the bar and use that as your buddy. Complete as many as you can.

4) Floor Dips

Sitting on your bottom, press your hands to the ground with your fingers facing your feet. Then lift your hips off the ground to get into the starting position. To begin, bend your elbows back and push back up. Continue to pulse this movement for 30 dips for a back arm workout.

There you have it, Carrie’s arm workout.

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