What Carrie Underwood Would Tell Her Younger Self…

Country music superstar Carrie Underwood's advice to her younger self can be applied to everyone on this planet! Check it out here.

Being in the public eye can be challenging, but Carrie Underwood has learned a lot since she hit the scene in 2004 on ‘American Idol.’ The Oklahoma native has successfully grown her own fruitful country music career along with other ventures such as her CALIA by Carrie Underwood activewear line.

“When I was younger I worried about what people thought about me. I wish I could go back and tell my younger self what I know now — that trying to fit into someone else’s vision of you will never make you happy,” Underwood shared in an interview with Bustle.com. “Now I focus on the goals I set for myself and try my best to do what’s right for me.”

Taking that admirable route isn’t easy since she’s constantly scrutinized by others in every aspect of her life from her fashion choices to her workout form.

“Sometimes I feel pressure as someone in the spotlight to do things the ‘right way.’ When it comes to fitness, everyone has an opinion or comment. I just try to remember I am doing my best and what works for me, and hopefully that resonates with people.”

Words to live by for sure. Besides empowering herself, Underwood strives to empower other women and young female athletes. In May, CALIA and The Dick’s Sporting Goods Foundation pledged a $200,000 commitment to fund girls team sports projects across the country. The donation is a part of the duo’s broader $500,000 commitment to support girls youth sports. Two large grants were previously awarded in 2016: $100,000 to Carrie Underwood’s alma mater, Checotah (Oklahoma) School District’s Girls Athletic programs and $100,000 to Aldine Independent School District’s Girls Athletic programs in Houston, Texas.

“Sports were a big part of my life growing up, so it’s important to me that girls across the country get those same opportunities,” shared Carrie Underwood in a statement. “Through Sports Matter, CALIA and The Dick’s Foundation, we are empowering hundreds of girls across the country to learn, grow and dream, teaching them to do what they love later in life.”

It’s great to see Carrie live her words and work to benefit other women. Be sure to share her wisdom with other fans!

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