A Bearded Josh Turner Goes Hog Hunting [Pictures]

Josh Turner went Mountain Man while on a hog hunt in California. See the HUGE hog he took here...

Josh Turner went on an intense hog hunting excursion with former NFL player Mike Pawlawski on an episode of the Outdoor Channel’s Gridiron Outdoors. The singer-songwriter is no stranger to the outdoors, but taking down a 300-plus pound wild boar on Tejon Ranch in California was quite the experience.

josh turner hog hunt
photo: Josh Turner Website

“What an exciting day,” quipped Turner. “Mike and the guys were great to hunt with and this hog is incredible. They say he’s in the top 1% of what they see as far as size goes. It took four grown men to hoist him onto the tailgate!”

The South Carolina native’s awesome beard is thanks to his participation in St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital’s annual “No Shave November,” but we kind of hope he keeps it around.

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