15 Year Old Farm Girl Adapts When Parents Refuse to Buy Her a Horse

This 15 year old farm girl from Germany shows serious adaptation skills when her parents refused to buy her a jumping horse . . .

Regina Mayer is a 15-year-old girl that lives on her family farm with her parents in Germany.  Regina wanted a hunter-jumper horse and her parents refused to buy her one.  Based on this refusal, Regina decided to see if she could train the family cow to jump.  The whole process took 2 years and she finally has a jumping partner.  Check out the adorable video and watch her prize cow (Luna) show off her jumping skills.

Nice to see a young teen showing some initiative and accomplishing her goals despite having to overcome some adversity.   Luna is one adorable family cow and truly amazing to see a cow that size jump barriers like a horse.


Remember to “share” this with friends and family that would appreciate a jumping Cow.

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